Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tool #6

Well I certainly feel a little silly right now. The past couple of years everyone has been going on and on about how Wikipedia is not a credible source yada yada. I never really understood the reason why. I just understood that I was not to use it as credible research for college papers. Hello, duh! It's pretty crazy to me that just ANYBODY can go on to whichever topic they wish and edit. I'm fairly certain that I am not an authority on anything. Although, I do know a fair number of people (with large heads) that do believe they are an authority on any number of topics. Do I really want to be reading their beliefs, insight, and opinions and taking it as fact? I see the benefits of using a wiki, but I would most have to say that I am alarmed at how naive I have been about the fact v. fiction in the name of wikipedia.

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