Whew! I'm done. Truthfully I could have spent days and days on each tool. There is so much out there and we've (11 things
bloggers!) obviously only just scratched the surface. I'll admit that I feel I should have a leg up on other teachers being that I'm in the younger generation of teachers who grew up in the technology "boom". However, I still feel that I'm not quite where I should be, especially when I look around at my some of my peers who are such "techies".
My favorite tools were # 3, 4 and 5. I've already used delicious and google docs a couple of times since learning how to use them. I'm always trying to be more organized and these tools absolutely help the cause.
I'm going to keep learning, its either that or be left behind!
You'll never be left behind, Noonana! You're always 1 step ahead of the game. I'm very proud of you for completing this so swiftly. Hoorah! Ps, enjoy Thailand!!